Fellow Heirs in Christ
A few days ago, I heard a mom of older kids refer to her children as “fellow heirs in Christ,” and it was just the lightbulb moment this exhausted, defeated mama needed.
It has been a rough few weeks in Discipline Land here at the Mellema house. In my mission to figure out a more effective tactical approach to their heart attitudes and behavior, I had forgotten to first root myself in the truth and dignity of who my boys are in Christ.
I want to relate to my children with their God-given identity and dignity always in view. When I correct and discipline them, I want my words, tone, and touch to honor who God created them to be, who they are as full members of the family of God.
In our family’s life together—not just in moments of discipline, but in all things—I want to remember that my children are:
Welcomed by Jesus, loved by Jesus, blessed by Jesus, dignified by Jesus (Matt. 19:13-15)
Crowned with glory and honor by their Maker (Ps. 8:5)
Fellow heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17)
Those who have a faith to learn from and emulate (Matt. 18:1-4)
Those to whom belong the Kingdom (Matt. 19:14)
Given dominion over the works of God’s hands (Ps. 8:6)
Made to thrive when their minds are filled with what is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and worthy of praise (Phil. 4:8-9)
Given the capacity to praise God from their first days (Ps. 8:2)
On God’s mind (Ps. 8:4)
Those in whom God began a good work that he will carry on to completion at the day of Christ Jesus (Phil. 1:6)
What passages or prayers are forming your family these days?