Life in Christ among “We, the people”

If I am to follow Jesus into loving God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, then I must do it here, right where I am. 

If I am to love my neighbor,

love my enemies,

seek first His kingdom and his righteousness,

welcome others as Christ has welcomed me,

be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry,

dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness,

care for the widow and the orphan,

lay down my life for my friends,

offer to God and broken and contrite heart,

rejoice in the Lord,

give generously,

forgive fully,

remove the log from my own eye before noticing the speck in my neighbor’s,

act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with my God,

image Jesus’s gentle and lowly heart for the weary and heavy laden,

point my feet and eyes and heart toward the restoration of all things,

then there is no other place I can do that as fully and tangibly and readily and meaningfully as right where I actually am, in this country—just as she is, not as I wish she were—among “We, the people.” My life in Christ is lived here. My love for those God has made is shown here. And I will keep cultivating a gratitude that moves not just my heart, but my hands.


From enemies to neighbors


Making friends and having fun