Life Together Danielle Mellema Life Together Danielle Mellema

From enemies to neighbors

“Loving our enemies” is not a mere lens through which to see the world, but a mandate Jesus actually means us to follow. Jesus shows us the depth of his meaning as he embodies his own words on the Cross, saying of those those who falsely accused, mocked, tortured, and murdered him: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

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Church, let’s believe what we teach.

What if we implored the Spirit to take these truths from merely something we recite from the creeds on a Sunday, or something for theologians to debate, and instead to empower us to consider with all seriousness how these truths transform our hearts by the Spirit to love the Lord and cause us to walk in the way of Jesus?

Worship of our glorious God and love for our neighbor would flow like a river from people of God.

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Life in a Pandemic, Life Together Danielle Mellema Life in a Pandemic, Life Together Danielle Mellema

Communion in the Time of COVID

One year ago this weekend, we gathered with our fellow IACers in the freezing cold at a park on the Westside. Used to cramming shoulder to shoulder in the pews, instead we sat spread out on blankets and folding chairs with new words in our vocabulary, like “social distancing,” “flatten the curve,” “masking,” and “pandemic.” We looked at each other with eyes wide, half laughing in unbelief, wondering aloud to each other if this would be over by Easter (ah, weren’t we cute…). Still, we came forward to the table—staggered, but still together—to receive the bread and the wine.  We had no idea it would be months before we would participate in communion in person again.

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Life with God, Life Together Danielle Mellema Life with God, Life Together Danielle Mellema

A Reflection on Epiphany & a Prayer for Lent

This Epiphany, as we’ve soaked up the stories of the visit of the wise men, Jesus’s presentation at the temple, his baptism, miraculous healings, and his transfiguration, I have been so struck by the tangibility, the physicality of God’s glory and light revealed in Christ. It means something that Jesus has a face with actual eyes that people could actually look into to know that they are loved, safe, valued. And that God-made-man could also receive love from the faces of those who loved him.

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Life Together, Politics Danielle Mellema Life Together, Politics Danielle Mellema

The Hard Work of Unity

The coming weeks will present the American church with many reasons for division. However, even in the midst of strong disagreements, be on your guard against the impulse to see those with the same opinions as you as “us,” and the believers you disagree with as “them.”

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Politics, Life Together Danielle Mellema Politics, Life Together Danielle Mellema

Banners and First-Aid Kits

An encouragement to my family in Christ in these tense days:

Watch where and how you swing that “Jesus is on the throne” banner today. Though I honestly believe most of us intend this to be encouraging, your pep rally flag can unwittingly become a blunt force instrument for those who are hurting, both inside and outside the Church.

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