Life with God, Life from the Word Danielle Mellema Life with God, Life from the Word Danielle Mellema

Dependence, my unexpected path toward joy

For much of my life in Christ, I believed that the purpose of relying on God’s strength in my weakness was to learn to be strong. It sounds almost right, doesn’t it? But God’s gentle correction to my self-sufficiency-loving heart has been this:

God invites me to rely on his strength not so that I can learn to be strong, but so that I can learn to be dependent.

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Life with God, Family and Parenting Danielle Mellema Life with God, Family and Parenting Danielle Mellema

On being a beginner

I really love exceeding (my self-imposed, often-unreasonably-high) expectations on the first try. Admitting to being a beginner is hard for me. But I’ve been a beginner enough times to know that God will meet me in this season where my weakness is not so easily hidden, that he is equally present as I figure things out by multiple trials and errors as he was in my fruitful rhythms and routines of the previous season.

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