Reasons not to fear: A reflection on Matt. 28
In every age, there have been many legitimate reasons to be afraid. Those who belong to Jesus also have reasons not to be.
Abundant in power: A reflection on Psalm 147
God’s power isn’t all seas parting in a matter of hours and death angels passing over in a night. Sometimes it’s forty years of daily manna in the desert. | Lent 2023
When bread turns into a snake
In Christ, we have a Companion who has plumbed the depths of disappointment, who can say to our raw hearts, “My child, I know.” | Lent 2023
Stones left behind: A gift of growing old
A phrase I hadn’t noticed before in the story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8 reminded me of the deep goodness and gifts of growing older.
Dependence, my unexpected path toward joy
For much of my life in Christ, I believed that the purpose of relying on God’s strength in my weakness was to learn to be strong. It sounds almost right, doesn’t it? But God’s gentle correction to my self-sufficiency-loving heart has been this:
God invites me to rely on his strength not so that I can learn to be strong, but so that I can learn to be dependent.
Longing to be unwounded, and being healed instead
Our wounds will not disappear, but they will be made new. The hands of our Healer are transforming our wounds into marks of love,
The Ascension and the Gospel
The gospel is not complete without his ascension, because the ascension is the coronation of Christ our King. It is the Son’s enthronement at the right hand of the Father. It is the moment that the Lamb who was slain began his eternal rein, ushering in the Kingdom of God and enacting the new covenant of our great High Priest.
On Reading Psalm 119
There are two approaches that have transformed my reading of Psalm 119, and made it one of my favorite books of the Bible.
Church, let’s believe what we teach.
What if we implored the Spirit to take these truths from merely something we recite from the creeds on a Sunday, or something for theologians to debate, and instead to empower us to consider with all seriousness how these truths transform our hearts by the Spirit to love the Lord and cause us to walk in the way of Jesus?
Worship of our glorious God and love for our neighbor would flow like a river from people of God.
Learning to Love Others
What verses have most helped you understand what the love of God looks like?
Reading with Imagination: Life as Jesus’s Brother
If there’s anyone on this earth who knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that I’m not God, it’s my sister.