Reflections on Psalm 48 & 49: A Prayer
Nurture in me the things that will grow into eternity, that will have a home in the “city you will establish forever.”
Don’t let my knowledge of you outpace my love for you,
My wisdom outpace my compassion,
My understanding outpace my humility,
My confidence in knowing the truth to outpace my confidence in my belovedness,
My insight outpace my wonder and adoration of your glory,
My awareness of my capabilities outpace my awareness of my deep need to be transformed into your likeness.
Above all other good things that grow, let my love for you grow the deepest and strongest, that I might bear these good gifts in humility for the welcoming of your Kingdom, not wield them in pride to build my own.
May I think on the steadfast love of God and the ways of his city and rejoice.