Feasting in time of war
In the same way that he joined himself to our questions when he took on flesh, Jesus has joined us to his life by his own death and victorious rising.
Made to feast
If the fasting of Lent is meant to prepare us for the celebration of Christ’s death and resurrection, then the feasting of Eastertide is meant to prepare us for life in the new creation where we will experience the fullness of the never-ending abundance and joy of God’s presence.
Reflections on Psalm 48 & 49: A Prayer
Nurture in me the things that will grow into eternity, that will have a home in the “city you will establish forever.”
A Reflection on Epiphany & a Prayer for Lent
This Epiphany, as we’ve soaked up the stories of the visit of the wise men, Jesus’s presentation at the temple, his baptism, miraculous healings, and his transfiguration, I have been so struck by the tangibility, the physicality of God’s glory and light revealed in Christ. It means something that Jesus has a face with actual eyes that people could actually look into to know that they are loved, safe, valued. And that God-made-man could also receive love from the faces of those who loved him.
Reflections on Psalm 139
You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. -Ps. 139:5
Psalm 139 was an anchor and comfort for me when I was in the hospital for three weeks awaiting Henry’s birth, and is a monument to God’s tender care for the two of us in that season.
Five Years in This Old House
It’s our 5th House-iversary!
We’ve spent a whole lot of time in this old house over the past six months, but if possible I think we’re more grateful than ever for our home, our caring neighbors on the best little block on all of Cucharras St., and our weird and wonderful neighborhood.