Reasons not to fear: A reflection on Matt. 28
In every age, there have been many legitimate reasons to be afraid. Those who belong to Jesus also have reasons not to be.
And it was so.
Like when God spoke the world into being, I want every “Let there be…” spoken over me to be followed by “And it was so.”
Abundant in power: A reflection on Psalm 147
God’s power isn’t all seas parting in a matter of hours and death angels passing over in a night. Sometimes it’s forty years of daily manna in the desert. | Lent 2023
Anxiety and the God of peace: A Reflection on Phil. 4
Are we reaching for the peace of God or the God of Peace? | Lent 2023
Unimaginable Delight
What if God not only loves me, but also likes me? I am learning to receive and trust in his delight in me.
Stones left behind: A gift of growing old
A phrase I hadn’t noticed before in the story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8 reminded me of the deep goodness and gifts of growing older.
Reflections on Psalm 48 & 49: A Prayer
Nurture in me the things that will grow into eternity, that will have a home in the “city you will establish forever.”
On Reading Psalm 119
There are two approaches that have transformed my reading of Psalm 119, and made it one of my favorite books of the Bible.
What kind of King is he? | A Maundy Thursday Reflection
By washing his disciples’ feet, Jesus demonstrated to his disciples the kind of King he would be.
Reflections on Psalm 139
You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. -Ps. 139:5
Psalm 139 was an anchor and comfort for me when I was in the hospital for three weeks awaiting Henry’s birth, and is a monument to God’s tender care for the two of us in that season.