And it was so.
Like when God spoke the world into being, I want every “Let there be…” spoken over me to be followed by “And it was so.”
Failed peonies, tiny tomatoes, and God’s invitation into joy
God invites us into his joy through the things he has made.
A blessing for these aspen-golden days
May you find yourself in a “thin place” between heaven and earth, where the goodness and peace and delight of the new creation isn’t that hard to imagine.
Childlike Dominion
I wonder what life might spring up in our world if we held our mandate from our Creator to “fill and subdue” (Gen. 1) with the posture of a child, full of joy, delight, awe, and curiosity.
February Gardener
Those of us who have set our hope fully on our King and his coming Kingdom are like February gardeners. We see the hard ground and hard hearts of Winter all around, yet we are also those who “rejoice, though we have considered all the facts.”