Reasons not to fear: A reflection on Matt. 28
In every age, there have been many legitimate reasons to be afraid. Those who belong to Jesus also have reasons not to be.
Anxiety and the God of peace: A Reflection on Phil. 4
Are we reaching for the peace of God or the God of Peace? | Lent 2023
Stones left behind: A gift of growing old
A phrase I hadn’t noticed before in the story of the woman caught in adultery in John 8 reminded me of the deep goodness and gifts of growing older.
Church, let’s believe what we teach.
What if we implored the Spirit to take these truths from merely something we recite from the creeds on a Sunday, or something for theologians to debate, and instead to empower us to consider with all seriousness how these truths transform our hearts by the Spirit to love the Lord and cause us to walk in the way of Jesus?
Worship of our glorious God and love for our neighbor would flow like a river from people of God.